Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Blog 10

1) AP. I don't have a second interview yet, and I'm still working on finding someplace for service learning. I plan on devoting all of my time to finding a community theater to volunteer for once the play is finished. On the upside, my independent component is practically done. The final show is tomorrow night, so once it's over, my I.C. is complete.
2) The independent component.
3) Everything else. I don't have service learning, I don't have a second interview, I'm already sick of my topic, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Liam- you really need to get this service learning taken care of as it puts your graduation in jeopardy. Sounds like your play is over (I didn't realize that you were doing another one), so I'm hoping that you have made some connections. The fact that you've been in two plays already probably has something to do with the reason that you are feeling sick of your topic matter, but you have to get through. I'm confident that's if you found someone to work backstage with in community theater, this would solve the problem as it is a different type of stress than theater.
