Monday, January 30, 2012

Science Fair Proposal

1. The Pendulum system is better for moving a performer from point A to point B, compared to the Fixed Track System.
2. Dependent Variable: Time taken to reach point B / Accuracy upon reaching B
Independent Variable: Weight / Shape of "Performer"
Control Variable: Length between point A and B
3. My EQ: What is the best way to get a job in theatre?
You need experience with backstage technology if you plan to get a job as part of a stage crew. That means knowing the mechanics of any equipment used during performances.
4. I plan on building scale models of both the Fixed Track and Pendulum fly systems. I will then test both using different sized "Performer" representations.
5. My experiment will most likely fall under the 'Physics' category.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blog 12

1. Working at Sierra Madre Playhouse in Sierra Madre
2. Kim Kurzinger - Stage Manager
3. Working backstage, doing quick-changes, checking up on actors, cleaning and general maintenance.
4. I have 13 hours complete, and will have 17 by 11:00 tonight.